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Good news!
We deliver
Your milkman will arrive on Monday & Thursday mornings.

From Dairy to Doorstep
We’re proud to deliver some of the freshest produce in the country.

Tweak Order Anytime
Adjust your order so every delivery is perfect and just what you need.

Free Delivery
All prices include doorstep delivery from your local community depot.
Good news!
We deliver
Your milkman will arrive on Tuesday & Friday mornings.

From Dairy to Doorstep
We’re proud to deliver some of the freshest produce in the country.

Tweak Order Anytime
Adjust your order so every delivery is perfect and just what you need.

Free Delivery
All prices include doorstep delivery from your local community depot.
Changed to 1pint Organic in glass bottle, perfect.
The milk tasted very good and the first and only delivery went well. I even was able to go online to arrange delivery around holidays. Unfortunately the second week there were no deliveries at all and no email or text to exolain. I did send an email but got no reply and eventually I telephoned the company. Only to be told that the delivery driver would not deliver to my address as it was too far out and not viable. I was ok with this although disappointed but the fact no-one choose to let me know was inconvenient. I wish I could have my milk delivered by McQueens as the milk good and perhaps if more customers in my area emerge this can be possible. Maybe an advertising campaign would help?
Like the plastic container as husband has Parkinson shakes so difficult to manage glass bottles