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Good news!
We deliver
Your milkman will arrive on Monday & Thursday mornings.

From Dairy to Doorstep
We’re proud to deliver some of the freshest produce in the country.

Tweak Order Anytime
Adjust your order so every delivery is perfect and just what you need.

Free Delivery
All prices include doorstep delivery from your local community depot.
Good news!
We deliver
Your milkman will arrive on Tuesday & Friday mornings.

From Dairy to Doorstep
We’re proud to deliver some of the freshest produce in the country.

Tweak Order Anytime
Adjust your order so every delivery is perfect and just what you need.

Free Delivery
All prices include doorstep delivery from your local community depot.
Lovely milk, so fresh. Definitely see the difference from supermarket milk.
You can definitely taste the difference between your milk & Arlas (S**T.
Bit more pricey than other milk but you only get what you pay for and this is well worth the money
Milk tastes amazing ! Delivery spot on wonβt ever be in food stores for my milk will always get mcqueens
As I no longer drive I have found the milk delivery invaluable. All has worked well so far!